People should know that omega 3 is a unsaturated fatty acids with carbon-carbon double bond in n-3 form. Several essential nutritionally fatty acids of omega 3 are α-linolenic acid (ALA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) which are basically polyunsaturated in appearance available in the market. Consumers should know that human body is not capable of synthesizing omega 3 and the n-3 fatty acids called as de novo instead of helping in the production of twenty carbon unsaturatedn-3 fatty acids.

Consumers should know that both n-3 linolenic acid and n-6 linoleic acid of omega 3 are important nutrients obtained from the food. Generally omega 3 fatty acids produced from linolenic acid in the human body. Consumers should understand that accumulation of long chained n-3 fatty acids in the tissues is showing its effctiveness when directly consumed from the food. Consumers of omega 3 should collect information to make the best usage of it in normal life.

Several reports supports long chain omega 3 fatty acids like dha and epa omega 3,showing their role in treating heart ailments. In this way eskimos are famous for consuming large amount of omega 3 fatty acids helping in the reduciton of triglycerides, heart rate, antherosclerosis and blood pressure in the human body. Many nations supports consumption of omega 3 such as canadian government backed the usage of dha omega 3 in normal life. Consumers should also know that omega 3 fatty acid plays an essential role in the development of eyes, brain, and nerves.

by Mark Lee

date Minggu, 13 Desember 2009

Consumers should keep information that the vitamin b12 is a water soluble vitamin playing an important role in the functioning of the brain and the nervous system and the production of the blood in the human body. Consumers should know that Vitamin b12 is present in the metabolism of the body cell effecting dna synthesis and regulation, fatty acid synthesis, and energy produciton in the human body. Consumers should know that vitamin b12 is also available in the form of food and nutritional supplements in many countries. Consumers should know that dosage of vitamin b12 do not contain any type of side effects in the market.

Vitamin b12 is categorised chemically related compounds containing the activities of vitamins in the body. Consumers will find vitamin b12 as most complicated vitamin in the world market showing biochemically rare element known as cobalt . Vitamin b12 also known as cyanocobalamin not occur naturally but can find its usages in pharmaceuticals, supplements, and food additives due to its stability and cheaper rates in many countries. Consumers should know that the vitamin b12 is consumed by the body showing its physiological forms like methylcobalamin and adenosylcobalamin removing the cynide from the human body.

The emergence of vitamin b12 is quite important as it has relation with the disease known as pernicious anemia damaging the parietal cells from the stomach helping in the secretion of intrinsic factors in the human body. consumers can use vitamin b12 in daily life using different methods like vitamin b12 belongs to cobalt consists of vitamer compounds known as cobalamins containing two cofactor forms such as 5'-deoxyadenosylcobalamin, and 5-methyltetrahydrofolate-homocysteine methyltransferase in the market.

by Mark Lee


Low Fat Foods DON'T WORK.

You cannot lose weight using Low Fat Diets. Low fat foods have been popular for more than 15 years, but yet our society is getting more overweight as each year passes. This fact alone should tell you that eating a purely low fat menu is not the answer to losing weight.

Low Calorie Diets DON'T WORK.

You won't lose weight using a Low Calorie Dieting Plan either. In fact, eating low calories is the worst thing that you can do to your body, since that will only slow down your body's fat burning engine and ruin all chances of losing weight (low calorie diets may allow a few pounds of weight loss for the first few days, but then after that all weight loss comes to a halt --- known as a dieting plateau). You can never get slim by starving yourself.

Low Carb Plans DON'T WORK.

You'll probably find it extremely difficult to get slim using a Low Carb Dieting Plan. Low carb diets have recently become popular over the last couple years, but the problem with low carb menus is that they are too strict and TOO HARD TO FOLLOW for average people. Low carb menus tend to rob your body of too much energy (carbohydrates) and make it nearly impossible to remain on the program for very long. This is why so many dieters find it difficult to follow a strict low carbohydrate menu.

What about Weight Watchers and Jenny Craig Dieting Plans?

Weight loss programs such as Weight Watchers (and Jenny Craig) usually involve slower dieting progress over a longer period of time, since such programs generally promise only 2-3 pounds of weight loss per week. Also, programs such as Jenny Craig usually involve buying special meals and/or dietary supplements during the initial phases of the program. While some people may like these types of dietary programs, we prefer a dieting plan which focuses on faster weight loss, such as the Accelerated Fat Burning Program shown below...


The tummy fat may be a hindrance that is so difficult to get rid of, that can be the case even you chomp nutritious foods and work your body out frequently. The main concern is that when your body uses the calories you have put in your body, the fats in your body have the tendency to get off on other areas quickly than the other areas. This can be a bad thing for those guys who are mainly focused on trimming fat in the waist and stomach. Here is a good thing, settling for surgery is just one of those many options that can fix issues like getting an ugly tummy fat. As you continue reading, feel liberated to do some sort of celebration for the reason that you will have the chance to effectively cut away that unwanted stomach fat that is making you appear to be unattractive.

At this moment, you might be wondering about what this alternative is all about. Before you get started, you must be aware that this is one of those very subtle ways to put your attention on cutting fat on a certain part of your body which is the belly. This hidden mini problem solver is usually referred to as fat burning body wrap. These things can be used on any part of your body particularly those portions where you want to lose fat so that you can view those muscles. However, do not take proper diet and regular exercise for granted. You still need them on your way to having a firm set of abdominal muscles.

The body wraps are specifically made for losing fat and do not confuse them with the kind of body wraps that focuses on losing water from your body. These boosts the capability of the body to absorb fat as a supply of energy. Once you apply the wrap on your body, the substances in it goes to work by activating a certain procedure that encourages lymphatic drainage while stimulating blood circulation in the tissues that have high amount of fat.

To really give you a clear knowledge of the value of lymphatic drainage, you need to know that the hidden cause why you get extra fat and weight in the body in the start. There is a common perception that people who are fat have a lot of fat cells in their bodies. This belief is so untrue, all of us are created with specific number of fat cells and we uphold the same the number of fat cells all through the rest of our lives.

Fat people have their fat cells all stuffed with damaging toxins which causes them to expand making them look fat. You are regularly exposed to harmful toxins all throughout your days. These toxins frequently goes out from the air you breathe, the foods that you consume and in certain situations, the water that you drink. Aside from making your body gain weight and extra fat in the tummy, it has a negative effect on the capacity of your body to perform well. This means, you should take good care of your health strictly because this will not only help you burn abdominal fat but this will also keep you alive.

Flushing out the dangerous toxins in the system can be compared to replacing the oil of a car. If your system fails to flush out the toxins in it, you will have health problems as well as your body will not be able to work effectively. Besides, you will get ugly fats on specific areas of the body and you will get a lot of it in the belly when you have damaging toxins in your system.

In easy to understand terms, these fat losing wraps that are created for trimming body fat brings out the harmful toxins in the fat cells and then passed out of the body as waste. It usually takes around 4 to 6 times of utilizing body wraps but it actually depends of the number of toxins you have stored in your body. After this, you will have a trimmed abdomen and an attractive body. You may experience results after a few months but if you are eating healthy and you exercise regularly, you will get quick and long lasting results.
by : hamida jones


We live in a visual world. Traffic signals, art, our family's faces--our eyes are constantly taking in input that we use to live and enjoy our lives. Sight is incredibly important and, just like any other function of the body, is largely dependent upon proper nutrition. However, it also may be a part of our nutrition that we don't actively think about supporting.

Healthy eyesight can be affected by a number of maladies, including glaucoma, cataracts, and muscular degeneration. While not every one of these is completely understood, each of them is at least partially affected by nutrition. Proper consumption of vitamins can help control or alleviate the symptoms of these common conditions. Here, we discuss four key nutrients that can help bolster eye health.

1. Vitamin A

Vitamin A is the first and most immediately important nutrient to consider when discussing an eyes-healthy diet. Even a moderate deficiency in vitamin A intake can cause night blindness, which manifests as a difficulty perceiving details in low light conditions. Greater deficiencies cause greater visual defects in fairly short order. This is a definite hazard for anyone driving at night, making this vitamin a must.

Fortunately, vitamin A is also very easy to include in your diet, as there are a number of foods very rich in this nutrient. Liver, carrots, broccoli leaf, sweet potatoes, spinach and even butter all have high concentrations of Vitamin A. Fruits such as mangos, papayas, and cantaloupe tend to have lower concentrations, but the vitamin is still present so don't count these sources out.

2. Vitamin C

Vitamin C is also an important nutrient that helps maintain the body's immune system, and your eyes can be a typical place to acquire a casual-contact infection. In addition, some studies suggest that vitamin C may play a role in screening out damaging UV rays and delaying the development of muscular degeneration and glaucoma.

The classic source of vitamin C remains citrus fruit such as oranges and lemons, but surprisingly these are not the most concentrated sources. Red pepper, kiwi, acerola and Cacadu plums can have more then fifty times the amount of vitamin C in the average orange. In short, it's very easy to meet your required vitamin C quota, and you may actually be getting it from some surprising sources you hadn't yet considered.

3. Vitamin E

Vitamin E is important because it maintains the health of the eyes' mucous membranes. When eyes dry out, they begin to suffer surface damage. Keeping the eyes lubricated is therefore very important, and vitamin E is a natural way to take care of it without resorting to eye drops.

As with the other nutrients we've discussed, vitamin E is easily accessible through a number of foods, some of which you may already be familiar with. Grains and nuts can be strong sources, particularly through whole grain breads, hazelnuts and almonds. Asparagus, avocado, and eggs also tend to have good quantities of vitamin E.

4. Lutien

An important non-vitamin nutrient for healthy eyes is Lutein. Lutein has been directly linked to the amount of pigmentation in the human eye in several important studies. High levels of pigmentation have been shown to decrease the chance of age-related macular degeneration, a leading cause of blindness.

For people looking to increase their Lutein intake, the primary foods to consider are vegetables. Kale, turnip greens, romaine lettuce, corn, broccoli, and Brussels sprouts all have high levels of Lutein, as do kiwifruit.

The Overlap Factor

Obviously, people aren't going to rearrange their entire diet just to take advantage of the benefits these nutrients have on eye health. Complete overhauls are jarring and sometimes expensive, so it's better to look for places that overlap, providing several nutrient benefits at once.

For example, broccoli is a source of both Lutein and vitamin A. One food takes care of two concerns at once, minimizing any changes. Whole grain breads provide many benefits, such as fiber, in addition to their vitamin E content.

Important Considerations

These elements all have been observed to have some effect on eyesight and visual health, however as always many of these studies are still ongoing. An important Lutein study concluded that more research will need to be done to fully understand all of its effects, even though the study did demonstrate a link between Lutein intake and improved visual health.

Some people, knowing that they struggle with managing the foods they eat, choose to rely on multivitamins and vitamin supplements to make up the difference. There's nothing wrong with this if done properly, but some vitamins have been known to develop toxicity if taken in too large doses. Vitamin A in particular can be very dangerous if taken past the recommended limits.

In short, remember to always consult a dietary professional such as a nutritionist or dietician before making any major changes to your diet. Ask them about the pros and cons of the choices you want to make, and ask for alternatives that they recommend before making any changes yourself. Healthy diet can protect your eyesight, and it is important to consult with professionals in order to get the best results.


We are inundated with information about heart health and how important weight management is to healthy living or even how important it is to be adequately hydrated. But hardly anyone talks about maintaining colon health. Why is colon health so important? Why do so many feel that a periodic intestinal cleanse is necessary? You’ll be intrigued when you discover just how important a healthy colon is.

What Does the Colon Do?

The colon, or the large intestine, is not just a depository for unwanted waste. It is also the place where the body maintains its vital fluid levels and its electrolyte balance. Without this maintenance there could be a number of consequences—some that may include blood pressure health. The colon maintains the body’s potassium and sodium levels, among a number of other functions..

The colon is at the tail end of the digestive system which begins with the mouth. As soon as food is ingested, the digestive process begins when food mixes with saliva. It takes approximately 6 to 8 hours from the time food was ingested to the time that this same food, or what’s left of it known as chyme, reaches the colon. It remains in the colon for approximately 72 hours before it is expelled from the body. Why does food remain in the colon for so long? What happens here takes about 3 days to accomplish?

Why Go for an Intestinal Cleanse?

By the time food reaches the colon, all that can be digested and used by the body for fuel and nutrition has been absorbed. What remains are the indigestible parts like insoluble fiber. The colon is also the place where bacteria love to reside—both good and bad bacteria. The colon contains nearly 60 varieties of microflora which aid digestion and promote the production of vital nutrients. The good bacteria called probiotics begin to feed on insoluble fiber, called prebiotics. Fermentation takes place and in those 3 days the fermentation process:

  • Produces nutrients that regenerate the cell lining of the colon.
  • Produces nutrients that are transported through the cell lining to the liver and assist the liver in regulating normal cholesterol and glucose levels in the body.
  • Helps in the synthesis of folic acid, Vitamin K and some B vitamins.
  • Fiber also helps to bind toxins in the digestive system and transport them out of the body, inhibiting them from being absorbed by the body.
Who says the colon is just a garbage dump? A periodic bowel cleanse, therefore, can help maintain the healthy functions of the colon.

Benefits of an Herbal Intestinal Cleanse?

In order to keep the colon functioning well, we should include plenty of fruits and vegetables in our diet along with adequate fiber intake. These foods assist in a natural intestinal cleanse. Taking an herbal colon cleanse can help eliminate accumulated waste, restore the delicate balance of microflora and optimize the digestive system.

Intestinal Cleanse – Helps Proliferate Probiotics
The balance between good bacteria and bad bacteria can be disturbed, especially if we suffer from frequent bouts of constipation. Constipation can breed the growth of pathogenic bacteria which can be harmful to health. Probiotics cannot perform efficiently and maintain their healthy functions if bad bacteria hog up the colon. An intestinal cleanse is therefore necessary to control the proliferation of bad bacteria.
by : kevin agrawal

date Kamis, 10 Desember 2009

egatables that are dark, leafy and green are very good for you.. These types of foods are loaded with probiotics, fiber, vitamins and minerals. Examples of these types of vegetables would be fresh broccoli, mustard greens and spinach. Beans and Legumes have a lot of soluble fibers and aid in digestion and regularity. These are very important aspects of healthy weight loss. Other fat busting vegetables include garlic and onions which contain phyto chemicals which are great for dissolving trans fats. Plenty of folks make the error of starving themselves on a diet. Some people never get the body they want by strict dieting alone. Sudden deductions in your diet can cause your metabolism to slow down. This takes place because the body does not know the difference between the Atikin's diet or real famine. Don't get me wrong, don't expect to lose weight by eating desserts and fried foods all day like most fad diets suggest. Always use some discretion when dieting and you should monitor you caloric intake. A handy point to keep in mind is low-fat carbohydrate diets usually result in the collapse of muscle cells, dilation of fat cells, and the overall increase of deadly fats. Supplements and vitamins should solely be taken if an insufficient amount is being acquired through your diet. An critical mineral that should be added to your diet is chromium. Studies have shown that nominal amounts of chromium in your diet can effect glucose tolerance, spike your blood-sugar and insulin levels. This can also cause a dramatic increase in your bodies cholesterol and serum triglycerides. In other words more fat will be created and stored. Other vitamins and minerals used to battle fat loss are vitamin b3, b6, biotin, vitamin C,vitamin A, beta carotene and vitamin E. Learn how to check your B.M.I. (Body Mass Index) if you want to lose weight. One way to do this is through waist measurements. For example, any guy that has a waist line of 40 inches or above his B.M.I. would be noticeably high. And for females, if their waist measurement is greater than 35 inches they are at risk of being obese. Typically, if your Body Mass Index is low your overall health is normally good. The greater your B.M.I. amount the more fat you have within your body. Studies have shown that healthy people with low B.M.I's are more resistant to diabetes, hypertension and C.A.D. (coronary artery disease). The best way to loose weight requires a mesh of a healthy and wholesome diet with adequate physical activity.
by Anita Mckinney

date Rabu, 09 Desember 2009